Fascism is roughly this kind of ideology
written inwritten in 2005
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Fascism is an extreme right ideology via extreme left ideologies. In fact, Mussolini, the originator of fascism, started his political career as an extreme left activist of the Italian Socialist Party (Communist Parties weren't born anywhere in the world at that time), and the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento he had founded mostly consisted of anarchists (and avant-garde artists) in the early days. At least such facts must has become prevalent as common knowledge. Fascists are communists (Marxists) in social recognition and anti-communists in social behavior. Fascists completely agree with Marx's analysis, which insisted that capitalism transitions into communism at the extreme point of its crisis according to "the historical inevitability". It's a "scientific truth" as Marxists make a boast of. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius if left unchecked, but we are endowed with volition. We can prevent it from boiling with our will, as with turning off the fire or adding more water. Fascists do not want communism. Capitalism, if left alone, will "inevitably" transition to communism, but fascists do not intend to "leave" it alone. Fascists opposes capitalism. Communists opposes capitalism because it is "not correct". Fascists opposes capitalism because it is "not beautiful". Fascists, unlike communists, do not think of "abolishing (aufheben)" capitalism. Capitalism can't "be abolished" by methods except communism. Fascists simply regulate capitalism with state power. Communists consider that capitalism alienates people from their "generic essence", and present "abolition of classes" as the solution. Fascists consider that capitalism causes to the people "falling [verfallen]" from their "authenticity [Eigentlichkeit]", and present "resolutely running ahead (toward death) [die vorlaufende Entschlossenheit]" as the solution. gResolutely running ahead (toward death)" is a consciousness of finiteness of life, non-reproducibility of life, and eventually, living in the cooperative system on a temporal (historical) and spatial (social) axis. Now, in the terminal capitalism that proceeds to "the end of history", communists want to finish the age of capitalism as it will be (they regard this age as a "prehistory" of human being towards communism), but fascists seek to revive history. Fascism is a revolutionary idea mainly referencing Nietzsche and Heidegger. Of course, as mentioned above, Marx is also referred to negatively. The motivations that drive fascists are literary. Fascism originates from existential suffering. Sincere communists deny existentialism, "political literature(art)" and "literary(artistic) politics" after deliberation. This is inevitable, because fascism is a consequence of them after all. Fascism is a political movement with literary(artistic) feature and [as well as] literary(artistic) movement with political feature. Fascists object to democracy. After all, democracy contradicts freedom of every individual ultimately. Fascists agree with opinions entirely that democracy and liberalism contradict each other originally. (Such a claim has been argued often. For example, Ortega, Carl Schmitt in the past, Kure Tomofusa and Karatani Kojin in Japan today do so). Fascists are liberalists. Fascists disdain the masses. It is clear that the masses are enemies of freedom on account of the rapid progress of surveillance at present. As the famous phrase "Escape from Freedom" expresses, the masses avoid freedom essentially. Democracy is the system where the masses have power. Fascists scheme to defeat the democratic system and to establish the dictatorship composed of a handful of united liberalists. This union of "a few liberalists" is, in other words, the fascists' party. In society based on the principles of fascism, liberalists (consisting) of fascistsf party have the maximum degree of freedom, and the masses are tamed by counterfeit freedom of enjoyment of "bread and circuses [panem et circenses]". Anarchism is the closest political thought to fascism. However, anarchists have never achieved a triumph so far and they have little chance of gaining a victory from now on. In addition, anarchists have been allowed to exist because there was only a small room for stubborn liberalists during the transitional period when the conflict between democracy and liberalism had not yet reached its final phase. Those fortunate times are already coming to the end. No longer are the stubborn liberalists, typified by the anarchists, destined to be suppressed by the masses who demand unified control of democracy. They have no choice but to evolve themselves into fascists if they want to reject that fate. There is the traditional and popular criticism of anarchism that "they lack possible plans for revolution", but fascism has at least cleared this problem (we have succeeded in the establishment of revolutionary regime somehow several times in the history). Fascism is the only way left for anarchists who have been cornered. After anarchism, the next closest political thought to fascism is nationalism. However, nationalists can no longer counter the fury of global capitalism by their own strength alone. The nationalists' resistance is hopeless because it is based only on their emotions. On the other hand, fascists have revolutionary theories. For nationalists, too, there is no way left but to evolve into fascists in the same way as anarchists or, unlike anarchists, to form alliances with fascists even as they remain nationalists. Historically, the fascist movement was first initiated by converts from the far left, such as anarchists, and then expanded by a confluence of converts from the far right, such as nationalists. Fascists affirm nationalism with a 360-degree twitch. In the first place, fascists are nationless people, thus, we have no nationality that we can naturally identify with. Fascist party is a community of warriors who fight against democracy, and it is the only community with which fascists can fully identify. Fascists cannot identify with nationalities, including the masses. But the fascist party must indoctrinate and acclimate the masses in order to carry out its dictatorial rule in its nationality. "Bread and circuses" are, as mentioned above, used for acclimation, and nationalism is used for indoctrination. While fascists are required to recognize themselves as belonging to the spatial community of the fascist party and the temporal community of the history of the revolutionary movements of left and right, the masses are required to recognize themselves as belonging to those of the nation and the ethnicity. In this way, in a fascist society, all individuals, whether fascists or the masses, are able to situate themselves in some kind of community and recover their "essentiality (authenticity)". Therefore, the Individual fascists who make up the Fascist Party, the avant-garde party of the revolution, must affirm and respect nationalism with conviction. Long live the Emperor! No harm done anyway. |